e-Filing with Pan Encrypted Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) on the Income Tax e-Filing portal has been made mandatory w.e.f first July 2011 for Firms and Individuals whose accounts are need to be audited u/s 44 AB of the Income Tax Act’ 1961. For other people who don’t go under the above category, e-Filing Income Tax returns might be finished with DSC also. If filing is done electronically utilizing digital signature, there is no required to submit a physical copy of the return. Else a physical printed copy of the filled up Form alongside the copy of the Provisional Acknowledgement Number of your e-Return must be submitted.
How to Register Digital Signature for E-Filing Tax Return
Digital signature for filing tax return online
1. Digital signature is accepted as authentication for electronic forms just like a handwritten sign. Individuals and HUFs who are required to audit their accounts need to use digital signature mandatorily for filing income tax returns electronically.
Digital signature certificate can be bought from one of the 7 certification agencies for a fee, which is less than Rs 1,000. It is valid for a year, after which it can be renewed. In the absence of digital signature, one needs to print ITR V, sign it manually and send to I-T office. With digital signature, this is not required. However the I-T department is expected to do away with the need for digital signature; it can replace it with e-PIN generated at the time of filing returns. 3. If required, changes in e-mail, postal address and phone number is allowed.
It is to made sure that you submit renewal application 7 days prior to the expiry date of your existing Digital Signature Certificate. Digital Signature Mart is also providing Digital Signature renewal services. One who is looking towards the renewal of his existing Digital Signature Certificate, must contact Digital Signature Mart. We assure you that your Digital Signature Certificate will be renewed in very less time and you can continue enjoying your work.